The video installation “Loneliness” can be seen until January 31th in the Creajoven competition exhibition in Molinos del Rio, Murcia.

Note about the installation.

Water has many meanings in Islam. Not only is the origin of life, it makes sense for the man purifier, purifying and clean both the outside (the body) and inside (the soul), this eminently a spiritual. With water purifies the pious Muslim before prayers, a cleansing ceremony required before entering the mosque.
Artist Note: The video that I present is a symbolic act of “erasing invested.” The word “soledad” (loneliness) is introduced into the skin through the water.Soledad. A word that symbolizes a universal state and in this case refers to the female world and Arab repression.

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November 22, 2010

I can’t help doing such actions; one of them is recording a friend of mine who is not able to get over a broken relationship with her boyfriend. One night we were talking about that and the day after I thought it would be a good idea to make this video. I knew it could be a good therapy in order to help her forget him. She loves this video. I hope she feels much better now.

“Loneliness” (Soledad)

October 9, 2010

Starting from the study of written words, skin and water I decided to create a video starting from the word “loneliness” (soledad).

Writing with Henna is used in the Arab world to decorate women’s hands and feet during the ceremonies and celebrations. Using the word “loneliness” as a decoration is like rescuing, someway, the meaning of ceremony. The deletion is linked to the meaning of an act of forgetfulness and purification.

The feeling of loneliness also refers to the feeling experienced by some women in the Arab world.

In the video we can see the feet of an Arab woman painted with words in black ink as a Moorish decor. It also represents the time it is performed ablution before praying at the mosque. An oversight, cleaning or purification of feelings.

River of oblivion

September 28, 2010

During my research into oblivion, I found data referring to Greek mythology. The river Lethe, as mentioned in the “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri is one of the rivers of Hades. Drinking from its waters  leads you to complete forgetfulness. Some ancient Greeks believed that souls had to drink from the waters of this river before reincarnating; they could not remember their past lives.

I decided to make a video as a sketch on this idea, using the elements of water, skin and written word. The idea of bathing a body covered with words, symbolizes the purification of memory. Water and gesture allow the disappearance  and symbolic idea of forgetting  these words.

Connections between water, skin and written word.

The idea of working on these items makes me think of the relationship between the idea of death, water and written words. I will continue with the research on relation to the loss of lives of immigrants across a border of water and the oblivion.




April 29, 2010

Camilla. Biella. Italy. 2008.

December 15, 2009





December 14, 2009


In november 2008 I carried out an ephemeral intervention selected in the emergent Art festival Alter- Arte in Murcia. “Poemas de la ausencia/ sociedad en olvido”, “Poems of the absence/ society in oblivion “, which was the title of the intervention, gave another support for the developing of the idea. Memories change. It disappears gradually in the cities.

 Buildings change, they fall down, they are demolished and then the injury arises, the presence leave traces, absence. Oblivion makes it disappear through the time. When the traces arise, memories remains and they appear as a written word form. Writing in rubble memory place is for me a different way to recover stories lost in oblivion. These absence poems try to wake people’s curiosity up about the changes and shapes which come up in the city after demolishing a house and the ideas that can come up from these facts. These are places that live in memory for reflexion.






Intervention in November 2008.


Intervention in 2009.


MURCIA. November, 2008.

When I arrived in Murcia after my stay in Berlin, I was offered the opportunity by the Young Art Lab Centre in Murcia (Laboratorio de Arte Joven) to show my project in the post-morden pavilion in Cartagena. I carried out one video- installation about my project and my idea in this special space.










Project in Berlin

December 14, 2009

In 2008 I got a PAC MURCIA grant for my project in GlogauAir artistc residence in Berlin. One of the aims during my stay there, was to know what kind of words people wanted to choose, living in a city like Berlin.


The process was the same. They had to choose one word, the same word that I wrote in their forehead and they had to remove the word in front of the camera. Later during the editing process of the image it is possible to invert the temporality of the image making the word come back again, showing in a symbolic way how this stays in our memory no matter how much we want to remove it. Ours memories will stay with us. The idea remains open in this meaning. Can we forget our memories? The words we choose are part of us. The symbolic interpretation of this image is open actually.









    Recording in Kreuzberg. Berlin. July. 2008.